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factoHR's 5 Tools
The 5 Tools Of factoHR That Help Companies To Embrace The Increasing WFH Scenario

factoHR, a well-known HR software, is trusted by 1500+ companies for its excellent assistance in managing their human resources. factoHR’s constant and sincere efforts to uplift the brand’s name have borne many fruits and won many awards for the company. Moreover, recently, factoHR has been held high and was identified as the right solution partner for the timely assistance it provided the companies. Let’s discuss this a bit in detail in the next few minutes.
While the whole world was struck by the pandemic, which forced every individual to stay locked up in their houses, companies realized that they couldn’t keep their businesses on hold for a long time. For the betterment of the companies as well as the country’s economy, businesses had to find a way out and begin to carry on their activities. This is where the companies re-visited remote working or working from home, which existed a long time ago. However, this time, the growth of technology was highly embraced to enable a more structured and well-established work from home scenario. But the concern is, How to leverage the technology in the right way for better outcomes?

Well, factoHR, which clearly understood the struggles of businesses, provided the right and suitable platform for the companies. Its modules seemed to address the problems appropriately and ensured unhindered maintenance of the workforce. Wondering what those features could be? Here they are:

Advanced Attendance Management System

factoHR introduced new features to address the concern related to capturing the attendance of remote workers. It included geo-fencing, geo-tracking, face recognition, selfie punch, online web portals, etc. These features of factoHR played a key role in helping the organizations record the attendance data of their distributed workforce without any major concerns, as well as eradicating data manipulation. 

To know more, click https://factohr.com/attendance-system/

A Suitable Timesheet Feature

This feature focuses on making sure that the time spent by the workers during the working hours is productively managed. factoHR’s timesheet allows the employees to enter the time spent against each task, share them with their managers to calculate the time taken. It also enables generating employee-wise daily reports, identifying the non-productive hours, etc. factoHR allows the employees even to choose if the entries are to be made using the ESS portal or the mobile application.

Mobile-Based Leave Management

Despite the distance, factoHR makes it possible for the companies and employees to stay connected with just a few touches. The employees could apply for leave using the mobile instead of writing emails and waiting for its approval. 

To know more, click https://factohr.com/leave-management-system/

A Well-Designed Mobile Application

factoHR also provides a comprehensive mobile solution that enables the employees and the employers to use it for various purposes based on the roles entitled to each one. It’s highly used in the case of marking attendance, downloading payslips, etc.  

A Comprehensive Payroll Platform

Another major benefit offered by factoHR is the provision of a 3 step payroll wizard that redeems the managers from the burden of calculating payroll, which takes up to 4-5 days. With factoHR’s solution, starting from importing the data, integration with the bank for disbursing salary, as well as payslips are achieved instantly from anywhere.

To know more, click https://factohr.com 

Although the pandemic’s seriousness gradually decreases, WFH doesn’t seem to be since the companies have understood its effectiveness. Therefore, embrace factoHR today to ensure unhindered management of your remote workers.Insert your text here
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